Planetary Chronology

from Geo- to Atmo-

  1. Parikka, Jussi. A geology of Media. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2015. “history conflates with earth history...the geological materials of metals and chemicals get deterritorialized from their strata and reterritorialized in machines that define our technical media culture” (35)
  2. Grosz, Elizabeth. Chaos, Territory, Art: Deleuze and the Framing of the Earth. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. “Art and nature, art in nature, share a common structure: that of excessive and useless production-production for its own sake, production for the sake of profusion and differentiation. (9) 
  3. per Haraway, “Making Kin” : “In a recorded conversation for Ethnos at the University of Aarhus in October, 2014, the participants collectively generated the name Plantationocene.” Noboru Ishikawa, Anna Tsing, Donna Haraway, Scott F. Gilbert, Nils Bubandt, Kenneth Olwig (interdisciplinary group, including Kenneth Olwig, landscape architecture): the devastating transformation of diverse kinds of human-tended farms, pastures, and forests into extractive and enclosed plantations, relying on slave labor and other forms of exploited, alienated, and usually spatially transported labor
  4. Jussi Parikka, The Anthrobscene, 2015: an effort to emphasize the obscenity of anthropocene, “a horrific human-caused drive toward a sixth mass extinction of species”
  5. Colomina, Beatriz and Mark Wigley. Are we human? Notes on an archeology of design. Zurch, Switzerland. Lars Muller Publishers, 2016. “humans no longer move across a small part of a very thin layer on the skin of the earth, nomadically foraging for resources as if acting lightly on a vast stage. They now encircle the planet with layer upon layer of technocultural nets, posing an ever-greater threat to their own survival” (12)